Friday, March 23, 2012

Quit smoking today indiana.

You may have seen these spots, if not. Provider Quit Buddy Quit Now Facebook Twitter. The promotional contest is a part of a larger statewide campaign known as Quit Now Indiana, linking tobacco users to cessation resources. Quit Now Indiana is airing three vivid and, at times, very graphic TV commercials promoting the dangers of tobacco use. Dedicated to helping Hoosiers quit smoking and supporting smoke-free communities. To learn more about the Quit Now Indiana Contest and other smoking cessation resources available, visit Aug 16. Please Read This Entire Page! If smoking were discovered today, it would never pass any of. Attitudes toward Hoosier's being exposed to tobacco smoke continues to change.

The Indiana Tobacco Quitline is a free phone-based counseling service that helps. Hoosier employers are invited to become a Preferred Employer with the Indiana Tobacco Quitline QUIT-NOW , a free quit service.

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