Stop Smoking and start Vaporizing Today! However vaporizing weed will very much reduce the risk of lung related problems. Is the HerbalAire just a bad model? Could possibly be that you are just taking in the THC slower because vaping takes a bit longer. The other thing I recommend not doing when vaporizing is grinding your weed down to a powder form. I am wondering what the bad effects. I'm a medical marijuana user,,, i've been disabled with a bad back for 21 years.
Of particles, dust, weed etc into my lungs which im sure is really bad. He insists he likes using it occasionally and. Cause cancer but wll it still be bad for my lungs? and just anything more you can tell me about it. This is because it tends to burn almost. My vape uses less weed and gets you more high but i got it for like 200. Im wondering if it is bad or not cause ive never seen it has a bad sign to smoke.
Now after seeing my doc, he said I should quit vaporizing and also. Burning plant matter boils the liquids, but is a bad delivery medium. I know someone is gonna say weed is bad and don't do it but idgaff. Unfortunately the only info I can find about pot vaporizing is on websites that are promoting it. I keep seeing people say that you can smoke weed that's been vaped and get high from it. But life is all about the kinds of weed we vape, not the technology we use. Covering smell of vaporizing weed.
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